Welcome to yet another edition of The Projects Magazine. This particular edition is dominated by news from Botswana Resources Infrastructure Energy Forum (BRIEF) conference, which was held on the 16th and 17th of May.
BRIEF is one of the country’s most important conference as it brings together important stakeholders in our key strategic areas of focus — mining, energy and infrastructure — to discuss pertinent issues affecting these industries.
We are proud to be the conference’s media partner. Good has been happening in the mining sector. For many years, the mining sector, particularly diamonds, have been a driving force in Botswana’s economy. If you think the mining sector will become less and less important going forward, it is time to think again. We are in it for a long haul.
Motheo Copper Mine, operated by Sandfire Resources, in Ghanzi district is promising to inject over P700 million per annum in royalties and taxes to the government coffers once operational. And we are not talking about the future. It is about to happen in a year’s time. Its first production is scheduled for June 2023, and the project is progressing according to the timeline.
The Country Head of Motheo Copper Mine, Dale Burgess, is flamboyant about the prospects. Dale Burgess said the mine will have significant impact in Ghanzi district through creation of economic value chain activities.
It is fairly common knowledge that mining is not only a capital intensive project, it is also labour-intensive. At least 650 people will be employed by the mine in an area where unemployment is estimated to be at about 25 percent. That is good news not only for Botswana, but for the Ghanzi local economy.
Morupule Coal Mine is also entering a golden period. The company is taking giant steps to become a global player. It is a moving from a fringe company, which was confined to Botswana, to be a mainstream international company.
The demand for coal has reached new heights and Morupule is ready to cash in. Morupule Coal Mine is a 100 percent state-owned mining company, through Minerals Development Company (MDC).
We have also been told to brace for more good news in the space of mining. It is not just Motheo Copper Mine and Morupule Coal Mine. At the center of developments in new mining projects is Botswana Geoscience Institute, which has been given a clear mandate to help drive new ventures in the mining sector. Botswana and the mining are inseparable, if this exciting new developments are anything to go by.
As the adage goes, the future belongs to those who create it. We feature Debswana on its pursuit to achieve carbon-neutrality by 2030. This forms part of the conversations that took place at BRIEF conference.
Taking care of the environment is an essential part of corporate social investment.Debswana is taking a lead in this regard, and we hope other companies will join the bandwagon.
We also feature some news relating to energy in Botswana. The Minister of Minerals and Energy, Lefoko Moagi has re-affirmed government’s commitment to ensure energy security. Several projects are taking place, both funded by government, and those carried out through Public Private Partnership (PPP).
Botswana Oil is also exerting its role, particular in relation to averting reliance on South Africa for petroleum products. It is nice ready. Enjoy!